Anthology dedciated to Chaosium material. Published as a fund-raiser book for Tentacles reanimated, a convention for RuneQuest and related games held in Bacharach, Germany in 1999.
- Revised Shaman Rules
- Spirit Cult Rules
- Watcher Spirits and Brownies
- Extraordinary Magic
- Deities and Major Spirits of the Grazers
- The Great Temple of Rufdayen, Raibanth
- Amad Folktales
- The Nautiloids of Glorantha
- The Hunting of Tar'Shyr
- The Great Sgae and the Emperors
- The Wolf Pirates
- The First Unity of Telmor and Yrr
- Holiday Glorantha: The Men with the Golden Gun
- How Elmal married Orlanth's Daughter
- The Culbrea tribe
- Antirius at the Hil of Gold
- Soravatoor
- Mother Power
- Lore Auction 1998
- Tuchulcha
- Evil Things the Keeper can do to Players using Magic
- Dark Destiny
- Bast and the Children of the Sphinx
- The Duergar
- The Eternal Kitchen Sink
- The Legacy of Ranyart Finn
- Significant Trees
- The Reluctant Bride
- Final Fun and Last Words
- Glorantha's Worst Books