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White Wolf: Temples, Demons & Ships of War


Explore Three Deadly Temples! Enter the Accursed Realm of Zhortra, Lord of Chaos.

White Wolf, a supplement for the Eternal Champion series of roleplaying games, presents many items of interest to gamemasters, particularly those wishing to run high-level campaigns. The book contains:

Complete information, stats, and maps for three powerful temples of the Young Kingdoms. DARKSPIRE: Temple of Chaos is a mysterious and sinister place, with many dooms for the unwary adventurer. From this dark abode the twisted worshippers of Mebelrode, the Faceless God, bring fear to all who fail to bow down to the power of Chaos! The Temple of the Eternal Flame lurks in the fiery heart of an ancient volcano. This remarkable temple is dedicated to the worship of Kakatal, Lord of Fire Elementals. The mighty fortress of HAVEN: Temple of Law stands defiant against the minions of Chaos, and offers refuge to all who flee their wrath. Its courageous guardians worship four great Lawful deities: Donblas, Goldar, Arkyn, and Callandus. They stand ready to battle Chaos whenever called upon by the faithful.

Escape from Yellow Hell, a high-level, ultra-magical scenario the will challenge even the most powerful adventurers. The adventurers must rescue a priest trapped on the Yellow Hell, a x5 Chaotic plane of the damned ruled by Zhortra, Lord of Chaos.

White Wolf also contains naval rules for the Eternal Champion series, suitable for any campaign, and new data on Elric of Melnibone (the "White Wolf").

Any adventure created for an Eternal Champion game will function without flaw in any scenario in the series. The strength of Law or Chaos on a plane may affect a character's magical ability.

Manufacturer: Chaosium
Manufacturer SKU: 2018
Dragons Trove ID: 1905
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0933635427
Condition: Very Good/Near Mint
Condition Note: Some spine creases and minor scuffing.

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