A unique new D20 sourcebook containing various "games within the game". Need rules for a card game or a fairground contest for your game? Need a quick archery tournament, or rules for arm-wrestling? Then this is the book for you! Also includes a sample tournament, fair and tavern making full use of these rules and plenty of new uses for old skills. This book also includes brand new d20 rules for drinking, a new system for the resolution of opposed skill and ability checks over time, a simple system for running competitions involving hundreds of competitors and much more. Now your PCs can engage one another in a battle of wits, compete in an jousting tourney or a national poker competition. You can run exciting races and chases, indulge in a game of strategy or a magical duel. 30+ games and contests of all different types, including martial contests, magical contests, common games of chance or skill and various fairground games. Plus three sample plug-in locations - a tournament, a fair and a tavern, making full use of these rules.
Manufacturer: Mystic Eye Games Manufacturer SKU: 402 Dragons Trove ID:
7965 Type: Supplement ISBN/UPC:
9781932374070 Condition: Near Mint Condition Note: Minor wear.