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$49.00 USD
The War's Not Over Yet
The StarMech Collective was in danger of being overwhelmed during the Second Galactic War by the enormous Thuldan Empire. To save the lives of its people, the Collective used its talent in robotics and automation to create the Warhulks - massive spacegoing vessels bristling with destructive capability and guided by the most sophisticated artificial intelligence units ever to be installed in a starship.
When the Treaty of Concord brought an end to the war in 2472, StarMech recalled and deactivated its Warhulks ... except for one. Lying disabled and unnoticed in an insignificant star system, the Warhulk designated Ares 22 was stranded. Both its stardrive and its AI unit had been damaged - the ship could not return home, and as a result it never discovered that the war had ended.
Finally, more than a quarter-century later, Ares 22 has found the necessary resources to repair its stardrive. The Last Warhulk is once again operational - and on the prowl for enemies to annihilate.
This 64-page adventure for the STAR*DRIVE™ campaign setting pits the heroes against a truly inhuman foe - a defective AI that believes itself to be in perfect working order and has a vast array of killing devices at its disposal. The heroes must disable the ship, or somehow dissuade it from carrying out its deadly mission and wiping out millions of innocent people.
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