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    The Ascension of Magdalene


    It's 1610 A.D., getting on towards Christmas. The city of Prague is all bundled safe in its bed, but not everything is peaceful. Boiling under the surface of the city is a secret battle being fought by conspirators and magicians, a battle that stretches from the Jewish slums to the palace of Rudolph II, the Holy Roman Emperor. Something big is happening on the mystic front, and everyone wants a piece of it.


    • Background on the historical setting of Prague, 1610 A.D. with conversion notes for any fantasy campaign
    • New D20 rules for:
      • Mechanomancy - steampunk magic school that creates mechanical monsters
      • Avatars - a new form of magic based on archetypes
      • Renaissance firearms and armor
    • Two new Unknown Armies archetypes: the Mage and the Rake
    • Notes on using this tale of 17th century occult underground in your modern Unknown Armies campaign

    Part of Atlas Games' Coriolis line, this contains complete statistics for both the D20 system and the Unknown Armies roleplaying game.

    Manufacturer: Atlas Games
    Manufacturer SKU: 3401
    Dragons Trove ID: 3074
    Type: Module
    ISBN/UPC: 9781589780125
    Condition: Near Mint
    Condition Note:

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