Table of Contents Seapolis Map of Seapolis Convention Calendar The Birth of the Islands Wet and Wild in Seapolis East Isles Ships A Selection of Some of the East Isle Tall Ships and Tall Tales Tsankth: Vormain God of Piracy Pirate Ships of the Vormain Dream Magic: A Short Introduction Vorumai: Kenshi Class Report to Amelius Vespertilius Vithela Zines Seen & Classified Ads Haragala The Clan that Ate Cows Cult of Jakaleel the Witch Rumors The Seleric Verses The Tale of Manlavus the Star Buseri Cult of Yanafal Tarnils The Dead Ones Moonrunner Peltasts Map of the East Isles
Manufacturer: Reaching Moon Megacorp Manufacturer SKU: TRM17 Dragons Trove ID:
10967 Type: Magazine ISBN/UPC:
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