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    RR7 Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts


    I know now the shape of madness of ravening insanity, and it is me! I dread the waxing of the moon, yet how can I flee from time itself? The hour of transformation is at hand, and my heart surges in bloodlust!

    --The Cry of a Werewolf

    Werebeasts: men and women who assume the shape of animals. In this volume, Dr. Rudolph Van Richten--Ravenloft's eminent expert on the horrific--exposes the truth about their ravenous kind. For years, Van Richten has doggedly pursued these creatures. More than once, the hunter became the hunted, yet lived to tell the tale. Now Van Richten reveals the secrets of his survival.

    Discover the werebeasts' many forms, from the common to the bizarre. Read how they live, list, and multiply, spreading their affliction among the innocent. Learn to see through their human facade, and how to follow their beastly spoor. Finally, discover what it really takes to cure lycanthropy in Ravenloft. For upon the demiplane of dread, few adventures can avoid the werebeast's fang forever.

    Manufacturer: TSR
    Manufacturer SKU: 9416
    Dragons Trove ID: 510
    Type: Supplement
    ISBN/UPC: 9781560766339
    Condition: Near Mint
    Condition Note: Slight cover dirtiness.

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