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    Pathfinder #34 - Blood for Blood

    Even with the PCs' kingdom growing at their heart, the Stolen Lands are far from tame. An incursion by merciless barbarians spills blood on the PCs' lands and begins a search for a legendary artifact in the depths of the region's most infamous wilderness. Amid the perpetual shadows and bottomless bogs of the Hooktongue Slough lie long-mired secrets and terrors eager to consume any who intrude upon their fetid realm. Yet what powers that lurk beyond the swamp seek to end the PCs' reign? And how might a single, bloodthirsty blade mean the difference between their kingdom's ruin and its survival?This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path includes: "Blood for Blood," a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 10th-level characters, by Neil Spicer. Information on the cruel society and blood-curdling superstitions of boggards, Golarion's sinister frogmen, by Todd Stewart. Details on some of the most famous hidden treasures and lost relics of the Stolen Lands, by Brian Cortijo. Ollix and Phargas learn the perils of gambling with a leucrotta in the Pathfinder's Journal, by Kevin Andrew Murphy. Five new monsters, by Julian Neale, F. Wesley Schneider, and Neil Spicer.
    Manufacturer: Paizo Publishing
    Manufacturer SKU: 9034
    Dragons Trove ID: 11159
    Type: Module
    ISBN/UPC: 9781601252517
    Condition: Near Mint
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