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The Bot Abuser's Manual


Yes, back before the Big Whoops, bots were created to serve and protect the loyal Citzens of Alpha Complex. Well, we know what happened then ... those annoying mechanical monstrosities have haunted the back termianles and corridors of Alpha Complex for so long, they´ve earned a place in Alpgha Society.

So now, because of their persistent and diligent nagging..err "performance," bots have been included in the wonderful world of Paranoia. Aren´t they just so lucky?

Besides, tehy ahve big guns too, you know.

Manufacturer: West End Games
Manufacturer SKU: 12012
Dragons Trove ID: 11351
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0874311640
Condition: Very Good/Near Mint
Condition Note: Some minor cover wear. Sticker on spine. Price tag on front cover.

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