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    Everquest: Luclin


    A Harsh MistressShe has suffered a civil war among her favored race: the Akheva. She granted a home to those who fled Norrath and the vengeance of other gods: the shissar. She accepted those who fled their own civil war on Norrath and sought a new home in the heavens: the Combine Exodus. And she indulged the explosive arrival of those torn from the face of Norrath when the Underfoot and Paineel clashed: those kerrans knows as the Vash Shir.Yet the goddess Luclin remains undaunted and her namesake moon unconquered.An Entire Moon to ExploreAll the great cities, every corner of the vast wilderness and wastelands, populated or pristine, and every known cave and dungeon of the moon Luclin is now at your disposal. Presented for the first time is all the lore and chronology of this moon, from the Akhevan civil war through the first Norrathian incursion and in to the present one, which has brought new generations of adventurers and explorers.Can these new heroes penetrate the airless region known as the Grey, where the shissar empire still thrives? Can they survive the Ring of Fire, where captives battle for the amusement of the evil grimlings? Or, the most frightful of all, are they so valiant they might risk the terrible wrath of Luclin herself, plundering ancient treasures in the crumbling Akhevan city of Vex Thal? Dragon Trove ID 7763

    Manufacturer: White Wolf Publishing
    Manufacturer SKU: 16512
    Dragons Trove ID: 7763
    Type: Supplement
    ISBN/UPC: 1588460665
    Condition: Near Mint
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