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Dark Alliance: Vancouver


In The City, In The Woods...

The city of Vancouver is like no other - peace reigns between vampire and werewolf. To the Kindred, the city is a "Safe haven" from the raging politics of the Damned. To the Garou, it is the site of the Great Caern, a place of spiritual brotherhood. A generation has passed in peaceful silence...

The Shadow of Treachery

...but that is about to end. The Vancouver Compact is threatened, and war looms on the horizon. An invidible enemy works to destroy all that both societies have achieved. Something is awakening, and it writhes within the city. Can Garou and Kindred overcome their rivalries and work together to prevent the city's destruction? Dark Alliance:Vancouver is a Vampire/Werewolf chronicle book detailing the people, places and plots around Vancouver, a hotbed of Garou and Kindred unrest. It includes:

  • Details on the movers and shakers of the region, the Garou and Kindred who can mend or break the Compact.
  • The various plots and encounters in the "Imprisoned City" which threaten to engulf the player characters.
  • A new bloodline of Oriental vampires:Clan Bushi.
Manufacturer: White Wolf Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 3103
Dragons Trove ID: 3123
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1565040597
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor wear from use.

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