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State of Grace


Faith in the Final Nights sometimes tends to polarize people, and the Kindred are no exception. Despite the cynical lack of faith that all too often characterizes the modern nights, a rare few find strength in reverence of a higher power. For these Kindred, spirituality is often a harrowing road as they are forced to reconcile their undead natures with the tenets of a God they may well feel has abandoned them.Yet Still ReverentPortraying a character who held his faith close to his unbeating heart has always been a challenge. This book looks closely at those Kindred, determining how they exist in the face of their obvious damnation. State of Grace applies real-world faiths to the World of Darkness, making for a realistic point of character development. Dragon Trove ID 3571

Manufacturer: White Wolf Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 2427
Dragons Trove ID: 3571
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 158846234X
Condition: Near Mint
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