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Infantry Weapons of the World


Infantry Weapons of the World covers over 220 pistols, rifles, submachineguns, machineguns, and shotguns, each illustrated in full detail, and each fully rated for use with Twilight: 2000...This handbook includes all major military weapons in service with the world's armies in the year 2000, plus older weapons from past conflicts: WWII, WWI, and even some weapons of the colonial wars of the last century!

Weapons covered in this book include the Automag .44, Colt Detectives Special, HK4, Mauser M1896, P-08 Luger (three varieties), Remington XP-100, Welrod .32, M-45 Carl Gustav, M3A1, Madson M50, S&W M76, VP-70, AR-7 Explorer, BM-59, H&H .600 Nitro Double Express Elephant Gun, .45 Martini-Henry, Stoner 63 series (Carbine, rifle, LMG, and HMG), H&K CAW, SPAS-15, and hundreds more. 

Manufacturer: Game Designers Workshop
Manufacturer SKU: 2002
Dragons Trove ID: 8801
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1558780688
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor wear. Light wear along spine.

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