Follow the accounts of Tamerlin -- traveler, self-styled wizard, and obscure author of ancient times -- as he explores the magical land of Talislanta. Discover the myriad wonders and oddities of a forgotten age, including:The Dream Merchants of Phantas, who sail the skies in fabulous windships bearing the most costly and exotic wares...The Aberrant Forest; accidentally created by the Mad Wizard, Rodinn, whose misguided experiments may have led to the destruction of half a continent...The Maze-City of Altan, carved over centuries of time from a single mound of violet stone...The Sindarans; a race of seven-foot tall humanoids notable for their dual brains, and their passion for collecting things...The Crimson Citadel, where the Dracartan Thaumaturges use their wondrous powder known as Quintessence to transmute the very nature of substance...The Xambrian Wizard Hunters, who bear an age-old vendetta against the descendants of an ancient race of Black Magicians...
Manufacturer: Bard Games Manufacturer SKU: 2000 Dragons Trove ID:
3665 Type: Supplement ISBN/UPC:
0961077042 Condition: Very Good/Near Mint Condition Note: Some sticker residue on fron cover, price tag on back cover.