Big Robots, Cool Starships, the multi-genre mecha design and combat supplement for BESM and the Tri-Stat System. The book contains the necessary mechanics to run a mecha-heavy campaign featuring the exploits of angst-ridden robot pilots, sleek combat cyborgs, bold starship captains, and a limitless number of other anime mecha archetypes. But it doesn't stop there! Big Robots, Cool Starships is sufficiently flexible to allow players and GMs to design and stat-out nearly any vehicle, structure or giant monster from any genre in a matter of minutes - from motor bikes to space stations, mecha-dragons to pirate ships. All this from a flexible creation system that minimizes overly-complex mechanics and maximizes your creative potential!
Manufacturer: Guardians of Order Manufacturer SKU: 02-002 Dragons Trove ID:
9630 Type: Supplement ISBN/UPC:
9780968243138 Condition: Near Mint Condition Note: