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Baroness of Blood


To the people of Kislova, Baron Janosk was a tyrant, but to young Ilsabet, he was simply Father. When the baron was summarily executed, the people cheered, but Ilsabet wept...and plotted revenge. — The benevolent new ruler could not have known that the blade stroke of an instant would open the wound of a lifetime. But Ilsabet knew, and she kept the wound festering. She worked her revenge slowly and sweetly, a revenge like the best of poisons...

Baroness of Blood is the tenth in an open-ended series of Gothic horror tales dealing with the masters and monsters of the Ravenloft dark fantasy setting.

Manufacturer: TSR
Manufacturer SKU: 8069
Dragons Trove ID: 9558
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0786901462
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note:

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