Happy New Year - Welcome to 2025!



Service, Service


Are you being served? The 128-page PARANOIA supplement 'Service, Service!' enlivens your game with detailed depictions of the eight sprawling service groups in Alpha Complex. Actually, 'enlivens' is the wrong word for these stultifying bureaucracies -- how about 'complicates' or even 'utterly disarranges'?'Service, Service!' gives you new service firms, interesting personnel to torment players, new 'mandates' duties to make service groups more important and EIGHT Classic-style missions, one for each group. Send your Troubleshooters into a Power Services generator facility that accidentally duplicates them. Have them teach sensitivity therapy to hardened Vulture Warriors. Make them train their own mechanical replacements, R&D's advanced 'Troublebots'. Along the way they'll try to appease surly vending machines, protect a rock star from his not-so-loving fans and learn, at long last, exactly how many Troubleshooters it takes to change a lightbulb.For all your service group needs (or at least the ones we feel like providing right now), take a number, fill out all appropriate forms in sextuplicate and, when you're called, buy 'Service, Service!' Dragon Trove ID 9525

Manufacturer: Mongoose Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 6639
Dragons Trove ID: 9525
Type: Supplement
Condition: New
Condition Note:

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