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The Venusian Apocalypse
Venus: the jewel in the crown of Bauhaus, site of their greatest cities and most productive factories. Home to two Cathedrals, and millions of staunch Brotherhood supporters. Venus is a bastion for the Brotherhood on the face of the evil of the Dark Legion. Yet might Venus stands as one of the largest and least explored of the colonized planets and hidden within its deep jungles are secrets that could undo all mankind. When the greatest of all evils escapes its bonds to wreak havoc there can be only one result: the final destruction of Venus and maybe the whole system. Unless of course someone can stop it first.
The Second Seal of Repulsion
The saga of the Venusian Apocalypse begins. What started as a simple revons mission soon turns into a race against time to stop terrorists from blowing the players and their team out of the sky. Surviving the journey only means they are ready for more dangers ahead. Hiking through the Venusian jungle is always a risky undertaking. But the players find something even stranger, a never before seen threat that turns out to have ties to one of Bauhaus' oldest and most respected families. Even as the mystery of the jungle grows deeper, the team finds something unimaginable. An evil predating the Homebuilders lies hidden within the Venusian jungle and unknowingly, the team may just release it upon the world.
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