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Technocracy: Syndicate


Reality's for Sale. Don't mind that bar code. It's there for your convenience. Why carry cash when credit's much safer? Scan cards? World banks? They're all in the name of progress. Money makes the world go 'round, after all, and few folks understand how true that is. Few folks outside the Syndicate, anyways. Have Your Credit Card Ready! Behind a facade of organized crime, the Credit-Card Convention waits with hands outstretched. Purse strings, puppet strings - they're all the same to the Grand Financiers. Everyone needs to eat, and the Syndicate has a sumptuous banquet prepared just for you. So long as you can meet the price. Have Your Credit Card Ready! Clandestine secrets of the world's richest mages. perks, Adjustments and gadgets galore. The Pentex connection - Werewolf: the Apocalypse crossover material.

Manufacturer: White Wolf Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 4206
Dragons Trove ID: 7133
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781565044210
Condition: Near Mint
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