Thicker Than BloodUnderneath the carefully crafted world of the new Earth Government, a sickness festers. The Children of Chaos hide within the mighty Chrysalis Corporation, agents of the end. Intent on bringing back the lost days of terrible old gods, they are a hidden tumor that soon will be too malignant to excise. Only one force has the power and the secrets to fight the enemy within. Legacy of the Forgotten Ones, the Eldritch Society secretly hunts the Children of Chaos. Holy warriors, monsters with the hearts of men, struggle desperately to save humanity. And to the New Earth Government, its saviors are monsters and its destroyers heroes.This is the Shadow War so few know the truth. Peel back the layers of secrecy to explore the mysterious Eldritch Society. Discover what joining in symbiosis with a thing from beyond space and time really means. Undergo mystical metamorphosis to join more deeply with your otherworldly symbiont and feel the pull of its wild power. Pull back the veil to stare into the dark eyes of the true Chrysalis Corporation. Give yourself over to the power of the Old Ones and endure the infamous Rite of Transfiguration, sacrificing your humanity for something greater.
Manufacturer: Wildfire Manufacturer SKU: 23100 Dragons Trove ID:
11229 Type: Supplement ISBN/UPC:
9780984583614 Condition: Near Mint Condition Note: