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    Nasty, Brutish and Short (d20)

    The Gargun (also called orcs and Foulspawn) reside in the high mountainous areas of Hârn, where they squabble, maim, kill, and cannibalize each other, or any other species they encounter. This book provides details on Gargun culture, maps of four orc colonies, and six related adventure scenarios.BwaftA natural cave complex situated high in rugged mountains. After centuries of relative peace, the Gargun of Bwaft find themselves involved in a vicious war with the nearby Gargun of Huxuth. "A Walk Among Tombstones" involves the players in this war, while "Dead of Night" provides them the chance to enrich themselves at the expense of Bwaft's inhabitants.EjatusA cave complex with an Araki (small orc) population ruled by a Khanu (great orc) elite. These Khanu are highly-organized and dangerous, as anyone involved in the."Dance at the Slaughterhouse" scenario will soon discover.FanaA rich silver mine seized by Gargun six centuries ago, and still held by them despite dozens of attempts at recapture by the dwarves of Azadmere. The orcs of Fana traditionally skirmish with nearby orc colonies, and are always a menace to travelers. "The Last Worst Hope" deals with another dwarven attempt to retake Fana.KoregoThe oldest and largest Gargun colony on Hârn. The orcs of Korego have a long history of conflict with both the local human tribesmen and merchant caravans. "We Deal in Steel" is a mystery involving arms-running. "To Live and Die in Korego" gives the players a rescue mission in which some things are not what they appear.NOTE: Nasty, Brutish and Short now includes a d20 supplement with creature and character statistics.
    Manufacturer: Columbia Games
    Manufacturer SKU: 5071
    Dragons Trove ID: 1245
    Type: Module
    ISBN/UPC: 0920711383
    Condition: Near Mint in Shrink
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