Includes five independent adventures in the world of Elric. each of these adventures explores sites scattered across the world of the Young Kingdoms, revealing marvelous, mysterious, and treacherous locals: a sargasso sea of ruined ships known as the Floating Realm; the Link Machine which slowly mutates the flying race of Myyrhyn; the Storm of Chaos which carries the monstrous legions of Queen Xiombarg hastening the appearance of the Infinite Cathedral of Gormweller the God Seller; the black Fang Island where hideous experiments transform the island dwellers into abomination; Doom Point where a cursed jewel leads to war.
Manufacturer: Chaosium Manufacturer SKU: 2113 Dragons Trove ID:
8950 Type: Supplement ISBN/UPC:
0933635826 Condition: Very Good/Near Mint Condition Note: Minor wear. A small "20% off" sticker on the front cover. Red sticker is taped to spine.