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Earthdawn Survival Guide


The Earthdawn Survival Guide offers players and gamemasters a detailed look at the hazards of exploration and adventuring in the land of Barsaive. This sourcebook includes first-person accounts of Barsaive's myriad dangers, from the hazards of underground and wilderness expeditions to the dangers of travelling, as well as descriptions of the Badlands, Death's Sea, the Mist Swamps, and the Wastes. The Survival Guide also features and extensive game-information section that includes rules for travel and exploration hazards, first aid and healing, and guidelines for creating a variety of Earthdawn campaigns.

Manufacturer: FASA
Manufacturer SKU: 6112
Dragons Trove ID: 6687
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1555602975
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Price tag on back cover.

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