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    The Icy Queen's Crossing


    A Novel Comes to Life

    In a region so dangerous that even the most savage of Nar tribes fear trespassing there, a group of heroes has a chance to change the face of a war-torn land.

    This DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS adventure is designed for five characters of 2nd level but contains notes on adjusting the adventure for groups of four to six characters of levels 1-4. Specifically created for Weekend in the Realms, this adventure can be played in the Living FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign, and includes a full-color poster map, encounter write-ups, monster stat blocks, enemy tactics, and even stats for new monsters. The PCs interact with the plots and characters of the FORGOTTEN REALMS novel The Fall of Highwatch.

    Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
    Manufacturer SKU: IQC
    Dragons Trove ID: 184
    Type: Module
    Condition: Near Mint
    Condition Note: No wear, has poster map.

    Read more about condition notes here

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