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Rascals, Varmints & Critters

If it bleeds, you can killit...
Atleast that's what all those guidebooks from Back East tell you, if you're silly enough to buy them. Of course, most of those tinhorns haven't ever set foot in the Weird West. Round these parts, you're lucky if the critter breathing down your neck actually has to draw breath, mush less has blood flowing through whatever it's using for a heart.
If you're clever enough to pick up Rascals, Varmints & Critters, though, that's not your problem. This book has got everything you'd ever want to know about over 50 kinds of things you'd maybe rather not runinto on a moonless night (or at any other time, for that matter).
The smartest folks wandering around the Weird West never get far without reading the pages of this well-traveled tome. Other folks, well, we usually don't hear too much from the dead, although these days you never can tell.
The most special thing about Rascals, Varmints & Critters, of corse, is who wrote it: our fans. There are some twisted imaginations out there, and we've managed to wrestle those ideas between two covers to share with the world. There's all sorts of other stuff too, like rules for animal sidekicks, new facts on undead, adn dozens of adventure hooks to get the Marshal's mind spinning. Just pray that next critter bleeds!
Manufacturer: Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Manufacturer SKU: 1006
Dragons Trove ID: 3702
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781889546063
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Slight cover wear.

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