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Dead Reign: Civilization Gone


Civilization Gone.

It has been months since the dead rose to attack the living. Civilization has crumbled. There is no Army, no government, no help coming. You are on your own and things are only going to get worse.

Madmen and Psychopaths including the Zombie Master, Ghost Walker, Backstabber, Messianic Leader, Zombie Lover, Deathbringer and others are all villains you can create using these new rules.

  • Street gang protectors and their mission to save lives.
  • Bandits and Raiders who prey upon other survivors.
  • New phobias and obsession tables.
  • House and home resource and encounter tables.
  • Random encounter and survivor camp creation tables, and more.
  • Additional world information and advice from Brad Ashley.

This book expands on all the bad things that happen when civilization collapses. It details hazards such as old military bases and food supplies to disease symptoms and fever conditions. Things are only getting worse in the world of Dead Reign.

Manufacturer: Palladium Books
Manufacturer SKU: 231
Dragons Trove ID: 10832
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781574571462
Condition: New
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