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$49.00 USD
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$49.00 USD
Lost Your Thirst for Sunshine? Come to Apokolips where vacation nightmares begin!
Come visit scenic Apokolips, the home world of Darkseid the Destroyer. Feel free to explore this dark, deserted planet on your own. Or if chance provides, you may receive a guided tour from the Dark Lord or one of his minions, complete with, a close-up view of the Tower of Rage and Granny Goodness Happiness Home.
Once you sift your way through the ashes and debris, you'll discover there's a lot more to this planet than meets the eye. Bask in the heat of the Fire-pits, factories, and mines; frolic among the equipment in the power refineries, installations, and orphanages; or voyage through the slum areas and tunnels of the underground.
If you're a people person, hobnob with the locals, the Hunger Dogs, and learn what life on Apokolips is really like. Or, if you're looking for some real excitement, put yourself in the path of some Para-Demons, War Dogs, or Dog Soldiers. But don't forget your running shoes!
Apokolips has something for everyone, and the price is right -- Nothing ... or maybe your life!
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