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The Crimson Legion


Tyr: The Free City. After a millennium of sorrow, it has cast off the yoke of the brutal sorcerer-king. The new ruler, Tithian of Mericles, has liberated the slaves--and plunged the city into chaos. — Tyr's triumph may be its death knell. — Only Rikus, the man-dwarf gladiator who sparked the rebellion, can save the city from the armies of Urik's sorcerer-king. With a ragtag militia of nobles, templars, and former slaves, he must stand against Urik's might. But strength of arm does not necessarily make a good general, as Rikus will learn before the conflict is over.

Manufacturer: TSR
Manufacturer SKU: 2403
Dragons Trove ID: 11585
Type: Novel
ISBN/UPC: 1560762608
Condition: Very Good/Near Mint
Condition Note: Browning on page edges.

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