Introducing the essential d20 role-playing game for the superhero genre! SILVER AGE SENTINELS invokes the themes and ideals of the Silver Age of comics placed in a modern context -- using the d20 system that everyone knows! This gorgeous hardcover rulebook contains everything you need to play the entire range of superhuman power levels in your adventures -- from street vigilantes to spandex-clad heroes to galactic entities! SILVER AGE SENTINELS also includes: superhero character classes and backgrounds, new skills, exhaustive add-on mechanic for superpowers, dozens of sample character, a template-driven vehicle and weapon creation system, and the complete world setting of Empire City. Conversions of d20 to the Tri-Stat Edition of SAS are also included. Superhero gaming has never been more fun!
Manufacturer: Guardians of Order Manufacturer SKU: 13-201 Dragons Trove ID:
11099 Type: Core Book ISBN/UPC:
9781894525633 Condition: New Condition Note: None