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World Book 13: Lone Star

The Lone Star Genetics Complex is the birthplace of the Dog Boys, but it is run by a madman who is beyond the control of Emperor Prosek. R.C.C.s for scores of different mutant animals (and mutant humans), escaped slaves, sinister plots, blind faith and a lust for power. Plus data about the Lone Star Complex, the Lone Star State, the Coalition, rebels and more. Written by Kevin Siembieda. Lone Star Genetics Complex described in detail. Genetic experiments forbidden by Emperor Prosek and the living by-products of those illegal experiments. Loads of information about Dog Boys; different breeds, training, loyalties and other data.Over a dozen different mutants, animal, D-bee and human! More data on the Pecos Empire, its clans, key leaders, and plans for the Coalition. Bandits, rebels, villains, and misfits. Maps, CS outposts and world information. Art by Breaux, McKenna and others. Cover by Zeleznik. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
Manufacturer: Palladium Books
Manufacturer SKU: 825
Dragons Trove ID: 3792
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781574570007
Condition: New
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