Apex Soulsinger drew her knife and buried it in her own heart. Her scream of death rang across the land, and it rang across a thousand spheres as a gate opened in her flesh. Although its outline bore the shape of their ally and friend, it seemed to have within it the brilliance of the sun. It began to flicker with the views of countless worlds.... Realizing that their lives were to be bought with her death, the legion charged into the gate. Countless worlds flashed through the gate, shimmering like reflections on a pond when ripples collide. One soldier would step through into a jungle, while the next would arrive in a desert, and another would find herself in a distant city...
Manufacturer: Rubicon Games Manufacturer SKU: 3101 Dragons Trove ID:
11036 Type: Supplement ISBN/UPC:
0965367908 Condition: Near Mint Condition Note: Price tag on back cover.