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Grimtooth's Trapsylvania hardcover


At last - the legendary locations of Grimtooth's Traps revealed!

For over 30 years, Grimtooth's numerous Traps books have horrified players and inspired game masters with hundreds of dangerous devices, deadly deathtraps and hilarious hijinx! Now Grimtooth (with a little help from kid sister Grimtina) will take you on a personally guided tour of his realm and the central hub of his vast Traps empire.

Run your own Grimtooth campaign, or pick and choose locations you can use in your own adventures. Explore Grimtooth's caverns, visit his inner Sanctum, escape the Deathmaze Testing Center, attend Warthog's School for Trolls, take a ride on Grimtooth's Airship tour, Grimtina's Petting Zoo or get lost in many more gigantic places of doom, like the infinite Corridor of Hallways. Each of these infamous locations includes maps, descriptions, non-player character details, scenarios, and lots of art ad new traps!

Manufacturer: Goodman Games
Manufacturer SKU: 3490A
Dragons Trove ID: 12785
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781946231642
Condition: New
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