Arcane Technology: exotic magic items for your campaign The Joy of Summoning: creative uses for summoning spells Devon the Ray's Spellbooks: the many varied ray spells of the famous Devon Piety: an introductory adventure for Morningstar Houses of the Haughty: five noble houses for use in any campaign (complements Green Ronin's Noble's Handbook) The Adventurer's Guide to Surviving Anything III: rowboats, canoes, and rafts; and the gears of a colossal clocktower A Kiss of Ivory and Crimson: the world of the blood angels Fantasy Reputation: complete rules for a d20 reputation system Faerie Rings: magical gates formed by clusters of mushrooms beloved by faeries Fey Stones and Faerie Philtres: magic items of the faeries Creating a Martial Arts Campaign: how to tweak the rules to give your world a tangible sense of the martial arts Unholy Days: festivals of evil gods Dubious Detections: new options for alignment detection in d20 games Character Goals: rounding out your character with unique goals Origins Con Report and ENnies recap
Manufacturer: Goodman Games Manufacturer SKU: 9003 Dragons Trove ID:
2197 Type: Magazine ISBN/UPC:
9780972873840 Condition: Near Mint Condition Note: