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Reality Storm - When Worlds Collide


The Greatest Heroes of Two Worlds... Together at Last!

When the deadliest villains of two universes - Dr. Destroyer and Kreutzritter - team up to threaten both realities with their evil schemes, it's up to the heroes of both worlds - the Guard and the Champions - to join forces and stop them... but they need your heroes' help if they're going to succeed! Reality Storm presents this pulse-pounding superhero adventure for two game systems - Champions and Silver Age Sentinels - with enough action and adventure to satisfy any campaign!

Reality Storm includes:

  • Silver Age Sentinels stats for the Champions and Champions Universe villains, and Hero System stats for the Guard and the villains of Empire City
  • complete, official conversion rules for translating Champions characters into Silver Age Sentinels terms, and vice-versa!
Manufacturer: Hero Games
Manufacturer SKU: 207
Dragons Trove ID: 4009
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781583660171
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note:

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