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$49.00 USD
The Eaters of the Lotus are back, and these screechy-voiced eunuch sorcerers are looking for trouble! Now encased in a durable hardcover binding, what they've got left to protect -- their secrets -- is better protected than ever.Atlas Games is pleased to announce the return to print of the rarest and most sought-after Feng Shui sourcebook from the Daedalus era: Thorns of the Lotus! In the year 69 A.D., a conspiracy of eunuch sorcerers manipulate the emperor like puppeteers, and plot to dominate the world -- not only in their own time, but in the centuries to come, now that they've discovered the Netherworld and its paths to the future.This book describes Gao Zhang, mastermind of the Lotus, and his emasculated co-conspirators, their organization, minions, plans and operations in other junctures, and their own documents and teachings ... as well as featuring running commentary from outside observers. Not a eunuch? Don't worry; you don't have to pay the price of Lotus admission to use this book's creature powers, sorcery schticks, character types, and a ready-to-play adventure! Dragon Trove ID 4207
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