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The Magic Box

Okay, so you're not the one and only Slayer . . . whatever. With ancient and powerful magicks on your side, you don't need to be able to bench press a car to fight evil with the best of them. Whether you're a witch, a warlock, a dabbler in the dark arts, a psychic or even a superscientist, you have powers granted to few mortals. 'Course, there's a potential downside . . . but bad stuff never happens to the good guys. Right?Here you'll find all the info you need to master your powers and learn how to introduce the monsters to a world of magical hurt. Oh, and there's also some talk of the dark side . . . just in case . . .The Magic Box is a supplement for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer roleplaying game. In it, you will find:*A history of magic and the supernatural in the Buffyverse*New character creation ideas, Qualities and Drawbacks, and more character Archetypes for witches, warlocks, psychics and other users of arcane arts*Descriptions and stats for rituals and items of mystical power from the BtVS TV show as well as a few never seen before*Expanded rules for creating new spells and magical "talismens . . . mans . . . talisguys"*Details on psychic powers and other paranormal abilities*A complete Episode featuring a monster that only powerful magic can vanquish.
Manufacturer: Eden Studios
Manufacturer SKU: 6005
Dragons Trove ID: 4052
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 9781891153945
Condition: Near Mint
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