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Stormbringer 5th Edition

Stormbringer is a roleplaying game based on the novels of Michael Moorcock, whose tales about Elric and other incarnations of the Eternal Champion are now classics of fantasy available everywhere in the English-speaking world. In this game, heroes discover secrets about the world of the Young Kingdoms, the nature the universe, the Gods of Law and Chaos, and what their prophecies portend. You and your friends portray ordinary people from the Young Kingdoms who seek adventure, riches, power, and understanding. You face the same sorts of situations and dangers that Elric, Moonglum, Dorian Hawkmoon, and Corum encountered, but this time you must win those legendary victories. This book includes everything you need to tell heroic adventures just as experienced by Elric and Moonglum. First is an introduction to the world containing complete background on Melnibone, the once-dominant nation, and her former holdings- now called the Young Kingdoms. Character generation is quick and detailed (if you would like to meet your adventurer right away, turn to pages 52-53). The forces of Law, Chaos, and the Balance affect every adventurer- your Allegiance reflects the choices you have made during play. Rules for demon summonings and bindings, a cast-spells system, and invocations and enchantments fill the Magic Chapter. Demons, Monsters, Folk & Heroes describes the multitude of beasts, denizens, and human-like inhabitants of the world. Spot Rules highlight specific game details. The Gamemasters chapter is recommended reading for new gamemasters. Two scenarios, six ready-to-play adventurers, adventurer sheet, NPC sheet, and Demon/Elemental sheets complete the book.
Manufacturer: Chaosium
Manufacturer SKU: 2115
Dragons Trove ID: 7597
Type: Core Book
ISBN/UPC: 9781568821528
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Slight dirtiness to page edges.

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