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Sorcerers of Pan Tang


Pan Tang is a grim island of lurking evil. Wild jungles to the north resound with the roar of a thousand tigers - the animal sacred to Chardhros the Reaper. The Plain of Glass divides the island, a shining wasteland of ancient volcanic devastation. The farmland to the south is a living hell for the plantation slaves doomed to rot. The capital of Pan Tang is Hwamgaarl, the City of Screaming Statues. Here there be unholy tigers who hunt citizens at will. Sorcerers study the dark arts openly and summon otherwordly abominations to do their bidding. The Gardens of Pain and the University of Lucid Perversity await your every delight. Within the Palace-Temple of the Theocrat the Lords of Chaos are given their due. Ruling over this nightmare realm is Jagreen Lern, Theocrat of Pan Tang. As his powers and influence ebb ever higher, his forces gather. With patience and cunning, he manipulates the Young Kingdoms into attacking their former Melnibonean masters. Once the fools have either destroyed themselves or brought Melnibone to it's knees Pan Tang will be ready. Jagreen Lern will open the floodgates of damnation, and a new age of Insanity will wash over the ruins of the Bright Kingdom. Will you stand with him or against him? 

Manufacturer: Chaosium
Manufacturer SKU: 2112
Dragons Trove ID: 351
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 0933635796
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Slight wear. Price tag on back cover.

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