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Flip-mat Classics - Pirate Island

X marks the spot for adventure on this mysterious pirate island -- who knows what treasures (and dangers) lie in wait beyond its shores? This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use and captivatingly detailed fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. Whether the adventurers find themselves shipwrecked on a remote shoreline or have come to a strange isle to seek out its hidden treasures, this map has you covered! Don't waste your time sketching when you could be playing. With Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Pirate Island, you'll be ready for the next time the PCs set sail!
Manufacturer: Paizo Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 31041
Dragons Trove ID: 7506
Type: Accessory
ISBN/UPC: 9781640784697
Condition: New
Condition Note:

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