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Delta Green: Hourglass



"A minute before I was locked in the library, and then I was there where she had gone with my body—in the place of utter blasphemy, the unholy pit where the black realm begins and the watcher guards the gate.… I saw a shoggoth—it changed shape.… I can't stand it.…" —Edward Derby Pickman, 1932

In an Internet video, already viral, a harried-looking woman stands on a park bench in a small-town park. She is crying and shouting at a handful of befuddled people. She says they live with a community that does awful things. They accept this community. They take its money. And it takes women and children. “It takes them and it—it—” Suddenly she vanishes, screaming in agony.

“Hourglass” is a horrifying scenario for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, available from Arc Dream Publishing. It reveals Hourglass, Oregon, and secrets that your Agents may wish they had never uncovered.

But if they don’t seek the terrible truth, who will?

Manufacturer: Arc Dream Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 8139
Dragons Trove ID: 13095
Type: Module
ISBN/UPC: 9781940410500
Condition: New
Condition Note: None

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