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Awakening: Diablerie Mexico


Lying deep in torpor beneath the Mayan tombs is a most-ancient Methuselah. Sleeping away the ages until his time to arise finally comes, he guards himself, and his potent blood, most assiduously. But you have learned where he rests -- and so you search for him. Soon his essence will be yours.

They may have rules against what you are about to do, but they might as well try to stop the thirst itself. Win, and power beyond reckoning is yours. Lose, and your defeat is final, for the ancients are wrathful against those who disturb their slumber.

Diablerie: Mexico is a full Story for Vampire, requiring you to pit your mind and body against one of the most powerful Cainites in the New World. It includes:

expanded rules on Diablerie, the most-hated practice of the undead: details on including older, more powerful Vampires in a Chronicle: information on how the mightiest Kindred protect themselves during their long torpors, including the spirits and traps which guard their slumbers.

Manufacturer: White Wolf Publishing
Manufacturer SKU: 2005
Dragons Trove ID: 6319
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 156504018X
Condition: Near Mint
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