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    Violence the RPG

    VIOLENCE brings the hack-and-slash genre up to date with a bang: this is full-on 1999-style gore-filled chaos: city centres, offices, apartments and tenement blocks just stuffed with experience points waiting to be claimed. How many can you amass before the SWAT team finally takes you down? The game includes rules for damage done by household implements (including the different damage inflicted by belt and orbital sanders), lists of innocent-victim types, and an extremely dubious section on sex.Challenge your own perceptions; visit the seamy side of the games industry; experience the most radical set of games mechanics ever devised; and judge for yourself whether formerly respectable publishers and writers are really willing to nauseate the world for a quick buck. Buy VIOLENCE. Or we'll kill you.
    Manufacturer: Hogshead Publishing
    Manufacturer SKU: 402
    Dragons Trove ID: 10063
    Type: Core Book
    ISBN/UPC: 1899749217
    Condition: Near Mint
    Condition Note: None

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