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FOR3 Pirates of the Fallen Stars


Aye, fightin' ship to ship is a great thing. Makes ya feel like a real pirate, aimin' ballistas and catapults and such at the enemy, blastin' great holes in her hull, watchin' 'em flee like rats..." Jomo Shanbaeren's eyes glaze over with memories, and for a moment he looks like a young man again as he relives his glory days. "And boardin'! That's the thrill - leapin' from yer own gunwales onto the enemy's deck, cutlass flashin', givin' 'em the ol' hook-and-eye - " the retired pirate slashes at an invisible opponent with the iron hook that takes the place of his right hand - "drivin' 'em back to the rails! Let me tell yer about the time we took on Teldar and the Kissing Maiden..."

Pirates of the Fallen Stars reveals for the first time the details about the Pirate Isles, in the center of the Inner Sea. Here are facts about their societies, their interactions with the Inner Sea nations, their pirate kings, their ships, their style of combat; in fact, here is everything any DM or player needs to know to enjoy a campaign in the Sea of Fallen Stars and its environs.

Manufacturer: TSR
Manufacturer SKU: 9346
Dragons Trove ID: 740
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1560763205
Condition: Near Mint
Condition Note: Minor wear. Name is stamped on the first page.

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