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    Shadowrun 1st edition GM Screen


    The GM Screen is for use by Shadowrun game masters, and displays all the vital Shadowrun information and tables in an easily accessible location.

    "It seems like the more organized and computerized the world gets, the more demand there is for people like us - people who aren't on the corporate or government databases anymore. The megaplexes are monsters, they cast long shadows. That's where we live, in the cracks between the giant corporate structure. When the magacorps need something done that they can't get caught at, when they need a shadowrun, they come to us. The term Shadowrun covers a world of sins, but they're all things that either can't be done through regular channels or would take too long. We are the medium of irregular information and personal exchanges. We are essential to the fabric of modern society."

    In addition to the GM's Screen itself, the package includes:


    • Silver Angel, a 32 page adventure for Shadowrun in which your group are approached to perform a datasteal in the heart of Mitsuhama Computer Technologies.
    • 36 full-color standup counters depicting the various archetypes from the game, including a dragon.


    Manufacturer: FASA
    Manufacturer SKU: 7102
    Dragons Trove ID: 4272
    Type: Accessory
    ISBN/UPC: 1555601154
    Condition: Near Mint
    Condition Note: Screen has corner dings. Screen and Silver Angel Module. Missing the Counters.

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