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Gary Gygax's Castle Zagyg I: Yggsburgh


Beneath the shadows of that ancient and dread place men call Castle Zagyg stands the fortified town of Yggsburgh. Its stout walls and cobbled ways give ample refuge to those bold and worthy adventurers who come to the Four Tors to plunder the dungeon deeps of the Mad Mage or die valiantly in the effort. Binding the walls are the Urt and Nemo Rivers, whose tumbling waters stretch the length of the lands beyond the Four Tors, Castle Zagyg and Yggsburgh. In these hinterlands are marks of the Mage in such places as the Oldoaks Grove, Glittering Knobs, Uplands and the Lonely Valley. Enter the environs of that most dread of magi, test your metal and make ready for the heroes forge that is Castle Zagyg! Yggsburgh is the Setting for Castle Zagyg. It consists of the town of Ygssburgh and its environs. This large folio brings the Game Master countless encounter areas and possible adventures within the city proper. And beyond Yggsburgh are over 30 detailed encounter areas. Yggsburgh comprises 1500 square miles of adventuring terrain, complete with all the information players and DMs need. To assure it is easy to manage, the descriptions are loaded with adventure hooks. The walled town for which the module is named, Yggsburgh, provides not only innumerable opportunities for adventure, but it and its suburban area are meant to later serve as the base from which PCs can then operate in their dungeon delving in Castle Zagyg itself. Yggsburg is designed to plug into any homebrew or published setting, including Troll Lord Games' own World of Erde. Dragon Trove ID 7673

Manufacturer: Troll Lord Games
Manufacturer SKU: 8050
Dragons Trove ID: 7673
Type: Supplement
ISBN/UPC: 1931275688
Condition: Near Mint
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